B. inggris


tolong di translate ya :)
internet juga memperluas wawasan pengetahuan pelajar yang sebelumnya belum diketahui. Banyak hal baru yang dapat ditemukan di internet setiap harinya dan bebas diakses oleh siapapun. Pelajar tinggal memilih saja mana bacaan yang paling tepat untuk dirinya, tentu juga harus dilandasi dengan penggunaan internet sehat dan positif.

2 Jawaban

  • Internet also broaden the knowledge of students who had not previously known. Many new things that can be found on the Internet every day and freely accessible by anyone. Students just choose which readings are most appropriate for him, of course also be based on the healthy and positive use of the internet.
  • internet also expands student's knowledge which is previously unknown. There are so many new things you can find everyday and everybody could see it. Students just choose the best readings for them, and also must based on the healthy and positive use of the internet.

    maaf sekali jika ada salah.

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