B. inggris


tolong ditrasnlate yaa ;)
Melalui media internet pelajar bisa bertukar informasi mengenai pelajaran mereka dengan cepat dan tanpa mengenal jarak. Berbagi pengetahuan dengan pelajar asing pun tidak menjadi masalah karena pelajar bisa menggunakan fasilitas pesan elektronik (e-mail) maupun video chat yang memungkinkan percakapan jarak jauh melalui video.

2 Jawaban

  • Through the internet students can exchange information about their lessons quickly and without knowing the distance. Sharing knowledge with foreign students was not a problem because students can use the facilities of electronic messages (e-mail) and video chat which allows conversations remotely via video.
  • with internet, stundent can share the information about their lesson fastly and without knowing the distance. sharing the knowledge with the foreign student isn't a problem more because the student can use e-mail and video chat which give them a possibility a long distance conversation face by face.

    thanks :)

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