There are millions of plants and animals living in the sea. Most of the plants and animals living in the oceans are extremely small and float near the surface o
B. inggris
There are millions of plants and
animals living in the sea. Most of the
plants and animals living in the oceans
are extremely small and float near the
surface of the water in their thousands.
They are food for huge numbers of small
animals that also live near the surface.
Together, they are all known as plankton.
Many fish feed on this plankton,
including one of the largest, the whale
shark. Despite their great size, certain
whales live entirely on plankton.
The blue whale is the largest animal
ever to live. It grows to a length of over
100 feet. The humpback whale is a
smaller kind and has long flippers. It can
jump right out the water. The Californian
grey whale makes long migrations every
year -it spends the summer feeding in the
Arctic but swims south to the warmer
waters off the coast of Mexico in the
winter. The females give birth in the
shallow, warm water there.
Many of the fish in the sea may be
eaten by other meat-eaters. Sharks, for
example, area some of the fastest
hunters, although not all of them eat
other fish.
Deep down in the oceans live many
strange fish. It is so dark down there that
many of these fish have "light" on them,
which are used for attracting smaller fish
for the larger ones to eat.
Jellyfish are peculiar-looking
creatures ranging in size from a fraction
of an inch to 6 feet across. They don't
really swim but drift in the currents of the
open oceans. Although they contain a
powerful sting, they are often eaten by
turtles. Turtles are reptiles that spend
most of their eggs on sandy beaches.
animals living in the sea. Most of the
plants and animals living in the oceans
are extremely small and float near the
surface of the water in their thousands.
They are food for huge numbers of small
animals that also live near the surface.
Together, they are all known as plankton.
Many fish feed on this plankton,
including one of the largest, the whale
shark. Despite their great size, certain
whales live entirely on plankton.
The blue whale is the largest animal
ever to live. It grows to a length of over
100 feet. The humpback whale is a
smaller kind and has long flippers. It can
jump right out the water. The Californian
grey whale makes long migrations every
year -it spends the summer feeding in the
Arctic but swims south to the warmer
waters off the coast of Mexico in the
winter. The females give birth in the
shallow, warm water there.
Many of the fish in the sea may be
eaten by other meat-eaters. Sharks, for
example, area some of the fastest
hunters, although not all of them eat
other fish.
Deep down in the oceans live many
strange fish. It is so dark down there that
many of these fish have "light" on them,
which are used for attracting smaller fish
for the larger ones to eat.
Jellyfish are peculiar-looking
creatures ranging in size from a fraction
of an inch to 6 feet across. They don't
really swim but drift in the currents of the
open oceans. Although they contain a
powerful sting, they are often eaten by
turtles. Turtles are reptiles that spend
most of their eggs on sandy beaches.
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban mayangdessy
Ada jutaan tanaman dan
binatang yang hidup di laut Sebagian besar
tumbuhan dan hewan yang hidup di lautan
sangat kecil dan melayang di dekat
permukaan air dalam ribuan mereka.
Mereka adalah makanan untuk sejumlah besar kecil
Hewan yang juga tinggal di dekat permukaan.
Bersama-sama, mereka semua dikenal sebagai plankton.
Banyak ikan makan di plankton ini,
termasuk salah satu ikan paus terbesar
hiu.Meski ukurannya bagus, pasti
Paus hidup sepenuhnya di plankton.
Paus biru adalah hewan terbesar
pernah hidup Ini tumbuh sampai lama berakhir
100 kaki. Paus bungkuk adalah a
jenis yang lebih kecil dan memiliki sirip panjang. Bisa
melompat keluar air.orang California
paus abu-abu membuat migrasi panjang setiap
tahun - menghabiskan makan musim panas di
Arktik tapi berenang ke selatan ke tempat yang lebih hangat
perairan lepas pantai Meksiko di
musim dingin. Betina melahirkan di
dangkal, air hangat disana.
Banyak ikan di laut mungkin
dimakan oleh pemakan daging lainnya.hiu, untuk
Contohnya, daerah beberapa yang paling cepat
pemburu, meski tidak semuanya makan
ikan lainnya
Jauh di lautan hidup banyak
ikan aneh Di sana sangat gelap
banyak dari ikan ini memiliki "cahaya" pada mereka,
yang digunakan untuk menarik ikan yang lebih kecil
untuk yang lebih besar untuk makan.
Ubur-ubur tampak aneh
makhluk mulai dalam ukuran dari pecahan
dari satu inci sampai 6 kaki di seberang.mereka tidak
benar-benar berenang tapi melayang di arus
laut terbuka Meski mengandung a
Sengatan kuat, mereka sering dimakan
kura-kura Kura-kura adalah reptil yang dibelanjakan
Sebagian besar telurnya di pantai berpasir.