B. inggris


I. Rewrite these sentences using quantifiers. Then compare with
your friend.
1. in china, 50% of women get married by the age of 22
2. in australia, 87% of married couples have children
3. in the united states, 0% of the people vote before tha age of 18
4. Thirty-five percent of the people in germany live alone.
5. seventy-eight percent of american high school student have jobs.
II. Rewrite the sentences in part I, so that they are true about
your country.

1 Jawaban

  • I. Tulis ulang kalimat-kalimat ini dengan menggunakan quantifiers. Kemudian bandingkan dengan temanmu 1. Di cina, 50% wanita menikah pada usia 22 tahun 2. di australia, 87% pasangan suami istri memiliki anak 3. di Amerika Serikat, 0% orang memilih sebelum berusia 18 tahun 4. Tiga puluh lima persen orang di jerman tinggal sendiri. 5. tujuh puluh delapan persen siswa SMA Amerika memiliki pekerjaan. II. Tulis ulang kalimat di bagian I, sehingga benar negaramu

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