B. inggris


1.my friend invitedvme to her birthday party carilah (-)dan(?) 2.we finised our english assignment at 10 o'clock carilah (-)dan(?). 3.that man broke the window with a stick.carilah (-) dan(?) 4. my dad picked me up from school yesterday

2 Jawaban

  • 1. (-) My friend don't invite me to her bday party
    (?) Do your friend invite you to her bday party?

    2. (-) we haven't finished our english assignment at 10 o'clock
    (?) have you finished your english assignment at 10 o'clock?

    3. (-) that man doesn't broke the window with a stick
    (?) does the man broke the window with a stick?

    4. (-) my dad not picked me up from school yesterday
    (?) do your dad picked you up from school yesterday?

    *cmiiw ^^
  • 1.
    (-) Myfriend not invite me to her birthday party
    (?) Are your friend, invite you to her birthday party??
    (-)We not finish our english assignment at 10 o'clock
    (?) Are they finish their english assignment at 10 o'clock???
    (-) That man not Break the window with a stick
    (?) Is that man break the window with a stick??
    (-)My dad not pick me up from school yesterday
    (?) is Your father pick you up fromschool yesterday???

    Semoga bisa membantu, maaf kalau salah

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